 The History of House is What you Make It! That's our Truth that together we'll speak to power as the beauty of house music is its history...As we know it individually and share it collectively. No two stories are alike and this is not the place for debate as we're filled with peace, love, and harmony. So as we commence on this journey of creating the House Music Hall of Fame know that everyone who has done anything for the music, for the culture, for the dance floor is to be celebrated, and if you're reading this take a bow as we salute you and recognize you for your interest in building The House Music Hall of Fame. The Time is Now and The Need is Now and we encourage you to take this journey with us as we build this thing up from the Underground like we know how to do. Please take a moment to fill out the form below so that we can keep you apprised on the movement, and developments, as well ways you can participate and contribute to the House Music Hall of Fame. On behalf of the Ancestors and future inductees...Thank You  JOIN US SHARE WITH US